Tonight’s Livestream is Bumped to Friday 21st June

Tonight’s Livestream has been bumped to Friday 21st due to “lurgification” — both me and Julian have been ill, and you really don’t want to listen to us coughing for an hour… Or do you? No, didn’t think so. Sorry about tonight, but will see you Friday night, roughly around half time of the Netherlands v France game!

The End of Dragons Livestream with Julian Barr


I’ll be going live on the internet for one last update before the publication of The End of Dragons!

The more eagle-eyed of you may have noticed that this livestream will be a little later than the previous ones. This is because my special guest is none other than esteemed author Julian Barr, who resides in the distant land they call Australia. The later time ensures that Mr Barr does not need to get up in the middle of the night where he might be attacked by Australia’s many deadly nocturnal fauna.

It also reminds us that we live on opposite sides of a rotating rock hurtling through the void of space around a sun that will eventually consume us all… so why not enjoy ourselves in the meantime and read more books?*

Julian is the author of the splendid Tooth & Blade trilogy and the epic Ashes of Olympus series, and he will have some exciting news about his forthcoming series. He was also a beta reader and proofreader for The End of Dragons and we’ll discuss the difference between those two versions of the book, giving you lucky people a peek behind the curtain of how books are edited, and much more!

*Apologies for the slight existential crisis. This is what happens when one watches too much rolling news coverage on the television. Back to fiction, I think. Much more edifying for the soul.