I’ll be at the London MCM Comic Con, 24-26th May

I’ll be at the MCM Comic Con in London all weekend, flogging and signing my wares! As well as the Witches of Woodville books, I’ll also have paperbacks of The End of Magic with the new artwork by Alejandro Colucci, and maybe a few surprises!


The End of Dragons copy edit…

This week, I start one last line edit before sending The End of Dragons to my copy editor. She will go through the manuscript forensically, checking not just punctuation, grammar and style, but also continuity errors and plot holes. Trust me, when I say it’s a fun part of the process. No, really! In the meantime, here’s what the lettering will look like (cover to follow… soon-ish)…

Jacqueline O’Mahony – Sheer Determination: My Last Interview on the Bestseller Experiment

This is it! The last author interview I did for The Bestseller Experiment podcast has been released and it’s with the brilliant Jacqueline O’Mahony and we discuss stuff like coming up with the title before the book, writing about ‘intangible things’, writing about tragedies like the Great Famine, winning awards at a young age, and the excellent advice, “Keep writing and something will come.” Enjoy!

Dead Meat Loves Unwelcome

Love this episode of the Dead Meat podcast where hosts Chelsea and James have a wonderful (and spoilery) discussion of Unwelcome… and there’s a delightful dog called Molly! Check it out…


Long time readers of this blog will know that I’ve been looking back at my diaries from ten years ago, during the making of Robot Overlords. Some of the diary entries you’ll see are the ones featured in the back of the film’s novelisation (and if you want a signed and dedicated copy of the paperback, then please step this way and click here). 

It’s been a while since the last update, and a few key events occurred, not least that I returned to work at Orion. It was kind of inevitable and it made me a little sad to have to rely on the day job, but this is a fact of life for most professional writers (it’s nigh on impossible to pay the bills on a writers’ income) and I kept writing on my commute which kept me sane for the next few years till I was made redundant.

We’d also had a screening for financiers which was incident-free, Mick Audsley (legendary editor who had worked with the likes of Terry Gilliam and Stephen Frears) came on board as a fresh pair of eyes to oversee the edit leading to lots of tinkering with the opening. And I was getting meetings with the likes of Aardman for a writing gig on a movie called Germs (still unmade at the time of writing), I had a terrible toothache over Christmas, my son broke his ankle (though he’s broken more bones than Jackie Chan), and Jon and I started tinkering with ideas for a Robot Overlords sequel. But one of my favourite memories of the post-production period of the film was this screening at Pinewood Studios with a bunch of kids. Abdi, if you’re out there somewhere do please get in touch. You made my evening that night!

Wednesday 22nd January 2014 – Pinewood Studio

Quite a packed day. Here are the highlights:

Got a positive rejection from Aardman. They felt my take on Germs was too young. I feel that any story featuring germs as the main characters is going to appeal to a young audience, so I’m not sure they’re on the right track. They said they were looking for The Dirty Dozen via Star Wars… I told them if he wants that we should write that! And I’m the man to do it. We’ll see…

Another test screening, but this time in screen 7 at Pinewood studios. More kids this time, maybe 60+.

Matt and I were sat behind an 11-year-old boy called Abdi… Well, I wish we could clone him. He was hooked from minute one. I know because he talked all the way through the film, but it was handy barometer of when he was engaged and when not. My favourite moment was when Nathan points the shotgun at Mr Smythe and this kid shouts, ‘SHOOT HIM!’. Matt and I punched the air at that point. At the end Abdi turned to his teacher sitting behind him, ‘That was awesome!’ He told Jon that he was the best director ever and we signed autographs for him and his friends. Great to see that more girls seemed to like it this time, too.

Afterwards there was a focus group of about 20 kids. By and large the 11-14 year olds loved it, but the title got a thumbs-down. Hugo perked up like a meerkat when he heard this… I fear a title change is on the cards. The word that gave them a problem was ‘robot’. The older kids felt it was too childish and off-putting. One 16-year-old said he thought the film was much better than he thought it would be because he was down on the title. We’ll wait to see what the other cards say, but there’s a feeling of inevitability about this.

Jon and I felt the younger kids’ answers were being influenced by the attitude of the older ones, who were very down on it overall. There was fun moment when they realised that Jon was sitting behind them, hearing all their comments. They were mortified, apologetic, and bugging him for advice on how to make it in the movies.

But, overall, a very positive screening, The new edit is good – rattles along – and everyone feels good about the progress Jon and Matt have made since the last screening. Onwards and upwards!

Friday 24th January, 2014

Got the forms back from the screening. Very positive. Lots of “awesome”, though one of my favourite comments was a complaint, “If you’re going to blow people up, use blood!”

The number-crunching analysis should be with us on Monday.

As you can see there were some doubts about the title. Not noted in my diary for some reason is that the producers had been having doubts about the title for some time. In particular the word “Our”. They were worried that people either wouldn’t get the reference, or the word “Our” would create pronunciation issues at the box office. Yes. Really.

Monday 27th January, 2014

After a long weekend of panicky emails between producers about a new title for Our Robot Overlords (including Cyber-Lords, Robo Warrior, iDrone, and, my favourite, Alien Scrapers*) we finally went for…

… drum roll…

… can you bear the tension…?


In the next thrilling instalment… we discuss whether or not we need reshoots or pickups for the movie! Subscribe and don’t miss out.

February Livestream with Ian W Sainsbury and Julian Barr

Join me on THURSDAY 1ST FEBRUARY, 8PM GMT for an update on the progress of my next book The End of Dragons with two people who have actually read it! The very splendid Ian W Sainsbury and Julian Barr are not only amazing authors, but they are also beta readers for The End of Dragons and they will be joining me in a spoiler-free chat about what they thought of the book.

There will also be updates on…

  • The launch team for The End of Dragons
  • The recording of the audiobook
  • The cover art
  • And the latest on The Corn Bride, the fifth Witches of Woodville novel

It’s all go! So do please join us for a chance to quiz me and Ian and Julian about the new book, their books, the meaning of life and anything else that might be rattling around your noggin!



Top Fifteen of 2023

Happy New Year! I have read some truly wonderful books in 2023, meaning that it was impossible for me to pick just a top ten for the year, so make …

Top Fifteen of 2023

Christmas Merry Meet: Mark Stay

Happy Boxing Day here in the UK. We all hope you had a lovely Christmas and Yule. Traditionally The Enchanted Emporium is closed from Christmas Eve …

Christmas Merry Meet: Mark Stay

Book Review: The Holly King by Mark Stay

Merry Solstice blessings! Yule is here, so it’s time to review one of the best Christmas books this year and beyond. While most novels focus on the …

Book Review: The Holly King by Mark Stay

The Very Entertaining Mike Gayle

Can’t think of a better author to wrap up 2023 on the Bestseller Experiment with than Mike Gayle. He’s celebrating 25 years of his amazing debut novel My Legendary Girlfriend and he’s got a new one out, A Song of Me and You. We chat about keeping warm in the winter (we’re middle aged writers, so this is relevant!), how to make unlikeable characters engaging, and the really important lesson he learned from being the agony uncle for the teen magazine Bliss in the 90s…